Do you have a golden piece of advice that you think every woman should know? It’s time to get your great idea published. In my next book, I am publishing the best advice known to women. That’s because it is coming from you…Multifaceted & Fabulous women!
In 2-250 words, write me the best tip you can think of, something you think all women should know. Think of something that made your life easier that might help others as well. Decide which category it should go in and then submit your advice in the form below. I will select the top 100 tips to be published in my new book.
Men, there is even a category for you! What is the most important thing you want women to know?
Here are the guidelines for your written work:
- Keep your piece to between 2 and 250 words.
- Make sure that it is written grammatically correct and without typos.
- Give your advice a title.
- Select a category from the list below you think would fit best with your tip. (I reserve the right to change the category depending on the overall layout of the book.)
- Tell me how you want your name written in the book. Feel free to include your website if you have one, or your city and state. For example, mine would read: Ronda Fisher, speaker, author, coach, OR Ronda Fisher, mother of 3, Los Angeles, CA.
- Everyone getting their tip published in the book will sign a permission slip stating that I have their permission to use their writing as a contributing author and furthermore give up their rights as the author of the book. Contributing authors will receive no money for the sale of this book.
- Submit your wise words to me by Friday, March 18, 2011.
1. Family/Parenting
2. The home
3. The workplace
4. Health and nutrition
5. Personal wellness
6. Shopping
7. Time saving tips
8. Laundry
9. The holidays
10. Pets
11. The men speak out
Remember, the deadline to submit any written material is March 18, 2011.